Monday, December 1, 2008

Ancient Rome

Education in Ancient Rome

Question of interest:
were did they go to get their education?
Before research we think the answer is:
I think the kids were thought by their parents.
Our team looked at information:
1. (book) 100 things you should know about ancient Rome by Fiona MacDonald
2. (Website)
3. (Other) the book we found:
roman boys learned how to speak well. Roman school thought them three main things. First on is to read. Second on is to do math and the third thing is to speak in front of public. In ancient roman times they weren't any television or newspaper because of that reason the politicians , army leaders and government officials had to make a public speech explaining about there new laws. The roman girls didn’t go to school where their mother or slave women’s thought them how to cook. The roman girls were supposed to look after the children’s. The girls from the rich families learned how to read, write and to keep accounts.

2. On the web we found:
the children’s were thought by their mother till the age of six. When boys would turn seven years old they would go under the control of their dad.

We also found:
education is a very important in the ancient Rome civilization. Only the rich people got the education while the poor people didn't receive a good education.

Our conclusion:
yes I was right. The children’s were thought by their parents. Only the girls stayed with their mother after the age of seven. The boys were supposed to go under the control of their father.

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